Anne's Story as a Mother on the Sidelines of Addiction
Anne's story reflects the heartbreaking reality of parenting a child who is in active addiction. Anne tried everything possible to help her son Lance, who began using at the age of fourteen. She tried in-patient treatment, court mandated treatment, psych wards, sending Lance to live with other family members, therapy, all different kinds of parenting tactics. None of this kept Lance sober for very long.
At different points in his life, Lance truly wanted to recover. Lance would often maintain a period of sobriety after leaving treatment. But sooner or later he would be confronted with a trigger: a house party, an old friend, a lingering notion that he could use just one more time. And the cycle would start all over again, as it does for many addicts in the same situation.
Treatment centers are often successful in giving children the willingness to recover, yet they cannot adequately prepare a child for the day-to-day challenges of staying sober. No parent should be responsible for the massive undertaking of protecting their child from these subtle and constant triggers.
Sober living provides an environment that is specifically designed to support your child in navigating the real world. The goal of sober living is not to shield its residents from life's challenges, but to support them on a day-to-day level in walking through life as a sober and integral member of society, with confidence in their recovery.